The live animal exhibit trail and all hiking trails are OPEN every day! Squam Lake Cruises run daily.
Homeschool program at the Science Center

Homeschool Programs

Hands-on Learning for Homeschoolers

Our 2023-2024 Homeschool programs are finished for the season. Check back for information about November through April 2024-2025.

2023-24: Earth Cycles
First Thursday of each month November-April
10:00 to 11:30 a.m.
For ages 4 to 6 and ages 7 to 10

Join us at this monthly series for homeschooled students to learn about the natural world through hands-on activities and investigations. We will wrap up each program with a visit with one of our live animal ambassadors.

Advance registration required. Register for one program or attend the whole series. Activities take place both indoors and outdoors. Dress to be outdoors with insulated boots, hats, gloves, jackets, and warm layers.

Cost per session: $12/member child; $15/non-member child

An adult must participate with children at no additional cost. Each additional adult pays child fee.

Age 4-6 Topics

  • November 2: Plant Survival Needs
  • December 7: Animal Survival Needs
  • January 4: Habitat – Where Animals Live & Why
  • February 1: Weather – How Organisms Respond to Seasons
  • March 7: Weather – Measuring Sunlight
  • April 4: How Organisms Change the Environment

Ages 7-10 Topics

  • November 2: Be A Scientist – Biology
  • December 7: Be A Scientist – Dendrology
  • January 4: Be A Scientist – Ecology
  • February 1: Be A Scientist – Ornithology
  • March 7: Be A Scientist – Mammalogy
  • April 4: Be A Scientist – Entomology

Our homeschool programs are aligned to Next Generation Science Standards and NH College and Career Ready Science Standards. Homeschool groups qualify for school rates and custom programs.

For questions or to schedule your homeschool program email